Welcome to the
Evangelical Association
The Association for Education and Evangelism
When God calls us to a life of ministry, His calling is without repentance. We can try to avoid the call, but God will not let us go. We are better off just to surrender to His will. When that time comes, we will have to prepare ourselves for the task that He has placed before us. The first step is to equip ourselves in the Word of God. When we have completed the preparation, we then look for a ministerial body to give us the covering we need. That is the purpose of the Evangelical Association. The EA has the ability to ordain to the ministry those who God has clearly called and equipped. We trust that you will contact us and allow us to help you reach your full potential. Ordination with the EA is fully recognized by the government of Ontario. So join the hundreds of other Pastors and Evangelists that enjoy this association.
Dr. R. Thomas
Executive Director
Our Purpose
Licensing and ordaining to the ministry those who are qualified, providing them with credentials from a recognized ecclesiastical body where its ministers can obtain a licence to marry from the Registrar General of Ontario and other issuing offices.Canada Christian College
About Evangelical Association
The Evangelical Association was founded in 1963 by godly men and women who were moved by the Holy Spirit to band together for the purpose of promoting Evangelical Christianity throughout the World.
Canada Christian College
Canada’s Leading School For Success In Ministry Your future depends upon your choices. Over 6,000 men and women have made the right choice and graduated from Canada Christian College. Great leaders such as Franklin Graham, John Hagee, Grant Jeffrey and Myles Munroe have honourary degrees from Canada Christian College
Canada Christian College
Canada Christian College is Canada’s leading school for success in ministry. Over 7,500 men and women have graduated from Canada Christian College with degrees in its 50+ year history. Since 1967, CCC has offered cutting-edge, real-world training in the fields of Ministry, Christian Counselling, Sacred Music, Business and Communications, and Religious Education. Great leaders, such as Franklin Graham, John Hagee, Grant Jeffrey and Myles Munroe, have honourary degrees from Canada Christian College.
Our Purpose
The purpose of the Evangelical Association is to license and ordain those who are qualified into ministry. This provides them with credentials from a recognized ecclesiastical body where its ministers can obtain a licence to marry from the Registrar General of Ontario and other issuing offices.